Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Bump

Here are some more pictures of my photographer friend Tanya when we did the wedding up in Sacramento. We were on our way to the Wedding location when we spotted this beautiful spot. We were early, so we were able to pull over and take some amazing shots. This coming Monday Tanya is getting induced, it's baby number 5. Doesn't she look way too young to have 5 kids? Her and her husband Rick have 3 boys (including a set of twins) and one girl. They decided to not find out, the suspense is killing me. We'll know Monday!


Cortney Genova said...

Hey Veronika!! I know what Tanya is having!! Ask her if I can tell you!! And I will leak the SECRET!!! Have you had any TUTU shoots lately???

twarpula said...

Ha ha!! you two are funny! Of course you can find out as long as you don't tell me!! Be watching the blog late Monday I am having Wendy post the pictures and baby info. ;)

Veronika Duty said...

I'm torn, I don't know! I've waited so long, maybe I should last a few more days? Cortney, I'll think about it!